Red Mullet with Turmeric Ginger Butter and Fennel and Wild Garlic Spinach

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Red mullet:

Saffron fennel:




Spinach is not everyone’s cup of tea? With this recipe it is:

Red mullet:

Sear the red mullet in a frying pan over medium heat in the oil on the skin side for about three min until crispy, turn to the other side, remove the frying pan from the kitchen stove and cook in the reheat of the frying pan for one to two min until juicy. Drain on kitchen roll and season with salt and pepper.

Saffron fennel:

Clean and rinse the fennel and cut into three to four inch triangles.

In a saucepan over medium heat, sauté the fennel in the oil, fill with clear soup, add the garlic and ginger, sprinkle in the saffron threads and turmeric and cook the fennel for about ten minutes below boiling point. Then add a spoonful of mild olive oil and season with salt and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Remove garlic and ginger again.


Pluck the spinach leaves and wild garlic from the stems, rinse thoroughly and drain. Sweat in a small amount of clear soup in a frying pan until it collapses. Add the peeled garlic, a small piece of butter and season with salt, a pinch of cayenne pepper and nutmeg (freshly grated). Remove the garlic clove and mix the wild garlic spinach with the fennel.


Bring all ingredients to a boil in a saucepan briefly, then remove the vanilla beans and blend with a hand blender.

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