Roe Deer or Venison Leg Simply Roasted.

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



A leg of venison or deer is boned, skinned, rubbed with salt, formed into roasts, rolled tightly according to the size of the meat jars, tied and larded quite sufficiently and daintily. Next put the meat into the pan, add sufficient butter and ceres, and a small onion and the flail bone chopped small, and roast it, basting very diligently, adding now and then a little strong calf’s bone broth or a tiny bit of dissolved brawn, until it is cooked but not too soft. Pressed into tumblers, pour the gravy over it and sterilize the roast venison or venison at 100 °C for another 50 minutes.

When using, boil the gravy with a little bit of sour butter and maizena (corn starch) and, in order to obtain the desired golden brown color, color it with meat extract or burnt sugar.

Rex cookbook with thorough instructions for the preparation of all : home preserves, by Mrs. Emilie Aussig, itinerant teacher, Lösel.

Our tip: Use a bacon with a strong taste – this way you will give this dish a special touch!

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