Saddle of Venison Lithuanian Style

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



80 g butter, (2)

Season the seasoned, skinned not marinated saddle of venison with salt. Season lightly with pepper and rub with crushed juniper berries.

Let it rest for at least one hour in a cool place.

Immediately before roasting, wrap the back with thin slices of bacon (barding). This is better than larding because the “injured” meat loses a lot of juice. Place the back in a casserole, baste with melted butter and roast over medium heat.

When the bacon wrapping the back is browned, it is pushed aside and the meat is dusted several times with powdered sugar.

The sugar, melting in the temperature, forms a brownish, appetizing, crispy layer on the meat. But it is not only about the visible effect. Under the influence of the sugar, the meat becomes tender.

When the saddle of venison is cooked, mix thick sweet whipped cream with flour and juice of a lemon in a container. Season the sauce with salt and let it boil briefly before pouring it into the casserole from which the bacon was previously removed.

Begin to make the sauce again, remove the saddle of venison.

To the sauce, add butter (2) in small flakes. Whisk it in the casserole and pour it hot over the sliced meat on the platter.

Our tip: Use bacon with a subtle smoky note!

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