Salmon Trout Fillets with Lemon Crust

Rating: 2.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For The Crust:


For garnish:


Pick out any remaining bones from the salmon trout fillets with fish tweezers. Score the fillets lengthwise to create a pocket for stuffing. Heat butter in a frying pan and sauté shallots. Add the chard or spinach, cover and cook for a few minutes. Boil the liquid produced when steaming the chard (or spinach), season and cool.

Mix egg, sour cream and bread crumbs with the chard. Season fish fillet pockets with salt and pepper, fill with the chard.

For the crust, stir all ingredients together and spread evenly over the fish fillets. Bake in oven heated to 240 degrees for about 15 minutes.

For the addition chop pumpkin seeds, mix with the long-grain rice and kernel oil.

Salmon trout fillets with pumpkin seed long grain rice on plates arrange, with lemon slices and daisies garnish.

White wine note Petra: Made with 2 trout fillets from 1 large salmon trout (1, 5 kg). Trout fillets placed in buttered Reine glegt. 300 g Tk spinach as processed above, is a little bit much as filling, rest packed under thin Tafelspitz. Crust with 75 g butter/4 tbsp breadcrumbs fits in detail.

Excellent, also visually very nice, can be prepared prima, therefore good guest food. Also pumpkin rice as a supplement nice.

Our tip: Use the young, tender spinach from the farmers market!

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