Sourdough – Ulm

Rating: 3.56 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

1st day:

2nd day:

Day 3:


In classic sourdough, lactic and acetic acid bacteria and yeast work together. No more yeast needs to be added to the actual dough.

However, since this is a very complicated process with an often uncertain outcome, only modern sourdough is explained here, namely the so-called single-stage method. One restricts oneself thereby to the acid bacteria, which lend the typical Wohlgeschmack to the bread, the Germ comes later in addition. When using high proportions of rye flour, sourdough guidance is a must, since rye flour alone is not suitable for baking. It is similar with spelt, but not quite as pronounced. If you are interested in the classic sourdough process (the so-called five-stage process), you will find information on this in some baking books. A pure rye bread in the five-step guidance without separate yeast addition produced is taste-wise an absolute highlight, but flat likewise the highest school of baking.

For the production of the sourdough one needs a starter culture, the so-called Anstellgut. If no ready-made sourdough is available, ingredients for the cultivation see above at ingredients Then you have 800 g of ready-made sourdough, which can be processed directly. In order not to repeat the whole procedure every time, a small mass of sourdough can be stored in a glass jar with a screw cap, covered with water and kept in the refrigerator for at least one month.

To repeatedly store sourdough, you will need

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