Storm Tiramisu with Muscat Grapes

Rating: 3.60 / 5.00 (121 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


For the grapes:


For the storm tiramisu with nutmeg grapes, whisk the eggs with powdered sugar over steam until foamy.

Slowly stir in the mascarino until a creamy custard is formed. Soak the biscuits in the storm reduction and line the bottom of small bowls or glasses with them.

Spread the mascarino mixture on top and alternate layers of biscotti and cream until the jars are full. Finish with cream and sprinkle with cocoa powder.

For the nutmeg grapes, peel and seed grapes. Season with grated nutmeg, a little sugar and a dash of Sturm and serve with the Sturm tiramisu.

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