Sugar Preparations

Rating: 4.67 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (Portionen)



Lauter sugar:

Bring sugar to a boil with water in a brass kettle, stirring.

Diligently skim off the foam that forms with a slotted spoon. Dip the spoon into warm water each time beforehand. If no more foam forms, the sugar is refined.

Wide run:

Prepare sugar solution until boiling solution falls from the slotted spoon in broad drops.


Make sugar solution until a drop taken between thumb and forefinger draws a thread when fingers are stretched apart.


Make sugar solution until a thread is pulled from the raised slotted spoon, leaving a drop hanging in like a pearl.


Make sugar solution until small and large bubbles form on the raised drained slotted spoon when blown strongly and fly away.

Sugar Couleur (Burnt Sugar)

Burn sugar completely. Must be jet black, not brown. Extinguish with cold water, bubble until sugar couleur is completely dissolved. Strain and bottle when cooled. For browning, use each according to recipe.


Quickly dip a wooden spoon dipped in cold water into the boiling sugar solution and again in cold water. The sugar clinging to the wood can be easily removed and formed into a ball.


In a brass pan, according to recipe, brown sugar, lighter or darker. Mix with liquid

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