Tartar of Smoked Trout and Salmon with Avocado

Rating: 3.88 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Smoked trout and salmon tartare with avocado and walnut vinaigrette

Cut trout fillet and salmon fillet into small cubes. Stir trout cubes and 2 soup spoons crème fraîche and season strongly with salt and freshly ground pepper. Rinse dill, shake dry and chop finely. Cut lemons in half and squeeze. Peel shallots and cut into fine cubes. Mix salmon cubes, half dill, 3 soup spoons juice of one lemon, half shallot cubes and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper.

Spread 4 small rings (4 cm ø) with oil. Form trout tartar in the rings so that they are half filled and smooth. Place salmon tartar on top and smooth out as well. Spread with remaining crème fraîche to form a cap.

Carefully remove rings. Cut avocado in half and remove pit. Remove skin from avocado halves, cut into wedges and drizzle with 6 tablespoons juice of one lemon.

For the salad dressing, stir together salt, vinegar, pepper and remaining juice of one lemon. Whisk in walnut oil. Chop chervil leaves, except for a few for garnish. Add remaining diced shallots, dill and chopped chervil to salad dressing Form.

Arrange salmon fornellentatar and avocado wedges on plates.

Drizzle avocado with salad dressing. Bring to table garnished with remaining chervil leaves.

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