Tian of Cod From Provence

Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Cut the zucchini into very thin slices and roast in a pan for two minutes with a little bit of olive oil. Add the chopped garlic, season with salt and season with pepper. Cut the onion and the fennel into thin slices – preferably on a slicer – and sauté them with butter in a large saucepan for 20 min on low heat until a compote is formed, set aside.

Cut the cod fillet into strips 1/2 cm thick, season with salt, season with pepper and sear briefly on both sides so that it is still raw inside. Place on kitchen paper to degrease.

In four buttered ovenproof dishes, place a layer of zucchini slices, top with a tablespoon of onion-fennel compote, a tablespoon of tomato concasse and the cod fillet strips. Repeat this process until the mold is full and seal each mold with aluminum foil.

Reduce the fish stock by 1/4, beat with ice-cold butter, add the chopped basil and keep warm. Place the molds in a water bath and cook in a heated oven at 200 °C for 15 minutes.

Turn out the contents of the mold onto a plate, pour the sauce around the vegetable cod-cueclein.

Our tip: Zucchini are tender in taste and therefore also well suited for children.

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