Trout Mousse with Cherimoya

Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 (8 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


White wine reduction:


Soak the gelatine in cold water.

For the reduction, coarsely chop the shallot. Place in a small pan with the remaining ingredients. Make on high heat and without lid until there is only about a quarter of the original amount of liquid. Strain and cool.

Cut trout fillets into small pieces. Divide into approximately 70g portions and grind each unit in a cutter with an appropriate portion of the white wine reduction. Place all portions together in a suitable bowl and refrigerate with the lid closed.

Whip the cream until stiff.

Drain the gelatine leaves and place in a small pan. Allow to melt over a very low heat. Stir the liquid gelatin into the trout mixture, then fold in the cream. Season with pepper and cayenne and cover airtight with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least one hour.

Remove skin from cherimoyas with a sharp kitchen knife and cut into slices. Immediately brush both sides with juice of one lemon and lift out seeds with a teaspoon. Arrange on plates. Cut the trout mousse into egg shapes with two tablespoons and arrange on plates as well. Garnish with chervil.

Tips Instead of cherimoya, trout mousse can also be served with pepino, avocado, papaya, carambola or sharon.

This mousse can also be prepared with ham or smoked turkey breast.

(*) Cherimoya: They are called sugar, cream or cinnamon apples, but actually sc

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