Turkish Minced Meat Kebabs

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)


Yogurt sauce:



We have once again looked into foreign cooking pots, recently in Berlin. There, on beautiful weekends, a gigantic barbecue is celebrated in the Tiergarten. You can see the smoke from afar, and the view of Bellevue Palace, where our German president lives, is completely obscured by clouds of smoke. We have walked through and have looked, what the persons put so everything together on the grill. Purely professional interest! It smelled especially good with the Turks. We obviously looked so persistently and covetously that they kindly offered us to try. The minced meat skewers tasted wonderful! Soak the rolls in warm milk, squeeze them well after half an hour and pick them apart. In the meantime, dice the onions very finely and saute them in hot oil until leisurely soft. They should only be allowed to brown a little towards the end – this enhances the flavor! Also add the finely chopped or grated garlic cloves only towards the end – they burn easily. Finally, stir in the finely chopped parsley, which is now allowed to fall together a bit and soften. Pour this mixture into a large enough bowl with the minced meat. Add the spices, previously crushed together in a mortar so that their flavors unlock and open.

Mix everything thoroughly, preferably with a clean hand – so you can be sure that the whole really intimate ve

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