Veal Medallions with Cress Foam – Low Cooking Method

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Cress foam:


Prepare: Remove the meat from the refrigerator about thirty minutes before browning. Preheat kitchen stove to 80 °C, preheat plate, dish and sauce pan.

Heat clarified butter in a frying pan for browning, fry meat in batches on all sides for about 4 minutes. Season with salt, little pepper, put on the preheated plate. Cook down: about 40 min in the middle of the heated oven. The core temperature should be about 55 °C. The veal medallions can then be kept warm at 60 °C for up to thirty min.

Cress foam: celery, potatoes, leek, coriander and meat broth together in a frying pan bring to a boil, reduce temperature, vegetables soft lightly roll, this in a mixing glass form.

Reduce the liquid to 1 dl.

Cress and coffee cream together with the vegetables finely crush, to the boiled down liquid form, only become hot. Season with the juice of one lemon, salt and pepper as needed. Whip the egg whites with salt until stiff, fold them into the sauce and serve on the spot.

Serve: spread a little sauce evenly on the heated plates, arrange meat, garnish. Serve the rest of the sauce separately.

By the way, did you know that clarified butter is obtained by extracting water, milk protein and lactose from butter?

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