Vegetable Salad with Cooked Beef Calf and Lemon Dressing

Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Rinse the bones and put them in a large saucepan with about two liters of cold water, a pinch of salt and the peppercorns. When the water boils, add the calf meat and simmer for about 1.5 hours. Repeatedly skim the clear soup. During the last half hour, add the greens and a clove of garlic to the clear soup. Remove the meat when it is tender. (The clear soup can be strained and frozen in portions.) Clean the fennel, carrot and kohlrabi, cut into thin slices and blanch. Skin tomatoes, quarter, seed and dice.

Cut spring onions into fine rings. For the vinaigrette, stir together vinegar, one clove of garlic, salt and pepper until well blended, then stir in 6 tablespoons of olive oil and the culinary herbs.

Mix blanched vegetables, spring onions and tomatoes with the dressing.

For the meat dressing, blend the zest and juice of the confectioners’ sugar, lemon, pepper, salt, instant vegetable soup well with a blender, and stir in the olive oil leisurely.

Season dressing strongly with salt and freshly ground pepper.

Slice the meat, arrange, drizzle with lemon dressing and offer the vegetable salad with it.

Our tip: It is best to use fresh herbs for a particularly good flavor!

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