Viennese Style Liver Dumplings

Rating: 3.60 / 5.00 (317 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



Cut the rolls in half, soak in water, squeeze well. Chop beef liver into very small pieces. Peel onion, cut into fine cubes.

Melt butter in a pan, saute onion in it. Press garlic. Wash parsley, pluck leaves, chop finely, add to onion.

Finely mince bread, liver, onion, parsley, marjoram and garlic. If you do not have a mincing machine, you can finely puree the mixture with a hand blender.

Add egg and breadcrumbs, salt and pepper, mix well, let rest for about 5 minutes. Form small dumplings with moistened hands and cook quietly in the soup for about 8 minutes.

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