Yogurt Homemade

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Total time: 45 min



Ingredients for 1 one-eighth liter of yogurt:

Heat the milk to 40 °C – this can also be done without a thermometer, it should be just well warm.

Whisk into the milk the milk powder (the yogurt will be more solid) and the natural yogurt, which must not be heat-treated (otherwise the bacteria will no longer be active), ocer add the yogurt ferment as directed.

Cover the saucepan, preferably wrap it in a towel and leave it to its own devices in a warm, dark place. The warm place can be the heater in the winter, or a place under the window in the summer. Otherwise, you can put the saucepan in the oven and turn the thermostat to 40 degrees. Depending on the heat, the yogurt is ready after 5-8hours. If you like it more sour, you can ripen it the same way for 12 hours or longer, but not too long, otherwise it will become bitter.

The yogurt must be kept in the refrigerator for at least one day to develop its flavor and thicken. Then it is ready to be eaten or cooked.


For cooking, a cream yogurt is more suitable: stir and heat 1 cup of whipped cream with 2 cupfuls of milk and 1-2 tbsp of skimmed milk powder, add natural yogurt, observe heat and ripening time as described above.

As for the milk, you can use the whole thing from the fresh preferential milk to the preserved low-fat milk. However, fresh milk from the farmer, but also the preferential milk from the refrigerated shelf, must always be boiled beforehand. With past

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